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ФНЦ «ВИК им. В.Р. Вильямса»
(ранее ФГБНУ «ВНИИ кормов им. В.Р. Вильямса»)
Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology

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Патент "Способ маркировки сортов-популляций люцерны"

Патент "Способ отбора in vitro кислотоустойчивых форм клевера лугового"

Патент "Ротационная косилка с кондиционирующим устройством"

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стр. 139 >

V. M. Kosolapov, I. A. Trofimov, L. S. Trofimova.

Fodder production in agriculture, ecology and rational nature management (theory and practice). – M.: 2014. – 135 p.

List of Russian agriculture problems is very extensive. It includes: a low volume and instability of production in plant industry and animal husbandry; decrease of the cattle stock; deficiency of fodders (energy, protein); shortage of financial, material and energetic resources, high cost and low competitive ability of milk and beef production. The determining factors of weak development of agriculture are degradation of agrolandscapes: arable lands, nature pastures, soils erosion and loss of humus; misbalance of agricultural lands and agrolandscapes infrastructure (proportion of arable lands, grasslands and forest). Very alarming situation is observed in agriculture because of absence the balance between and inside the farming agriculture, plant industry and animal husbandry – on animal species, on sowing acreages structure, in seed rotations. Especial negative aspects a as following: cultivation of commercial agricultural crops to the detriment of the phytosanitory situation, soils fertility, agrolandscapes state and environment stability. These factors conduct to the instability to response on climate influence, on common development of economics, ecology and aesthetics of agricultural industry. The benefits of fodder production for agriculture development are numerous. It is based on the use of natural reproducible resources significantly and thus it is very profitable sector of economy that integrates all other branches of agriculture. Fodder production provides: the feeds for animal husbandry, crops productivity for plant industry, soils fertility, productivity and stability of lands for farming agriculture. Significance of fodder production is determined by its role in the effective management by agricultural lands and agrolandscapes, by maintenance the environment state and necessary balance of agricultural branches. Development of fodder production – is the strategic direction in improvement of agriculture adaptability and stability, the base of rational nature management and environment protection.

Key words: plant cultivation, natural grasslands, forage crops, meadows, field forage production, breeding, seed production, harvesting, storage, use of feeds.

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